Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

Makalah Bahasa Inggris Chapter III Dawn of Islam (1) T 2A

            The prophet Muhammad had been spreading the religion of Islam quietly for three years when Allah commanded him to declare it to the people publicly. Allah also instructed him to start with his own househ old – those within his own family. Those among the idolators could be ignored if they would nor respond to his call.
Muhammad understood his orders and went into retirement in his house for a few days. He thought very hard about what he had to do, trying to draw up a plan for the best way to approach his people and call upon them to accept the religion of Islam.
            The news of Muhammad’s retirement reached some of his aunts or relatives.They become worried that he might not be well. They decided to go and pay him a visit. When they got to his house they asked him about his health and told him how worried they had been about him.
            Muhammad answered, “There is nothing the matter with me. Allah has ordered me to introduce Islam to my family and household. So, I have to sit down and think about the best way to do this. I had to collect my thoughts and ideas before I could speak to any of you.”
            Muhammad then went and invited all the members of his family to dinner in his house. He invited all his uncles and his aunts, all his cousins and nieces and all their children. All of Muhammad’s relatives were inveted, incluiding even his stubborn and difficult uncle, ‘Abdul ‘Uzzaa.
            Then Muhammad began to deliver his message to his family. He explained the new ideas he had received from god and warned them about what would happen to those who chose not to follow him.


            Nabi Muhammad telah menyebarkan agama islam secara diam-diam selama tiga tahun, ketika Allah memerintahnya untuk menyatakan agama islam kepada umat manusia. Allah juga memerintahnya untuk mulai dengan rumah tangganya dalam keluarganya sendiri. Diantara itu orang-orang musyrik dapat mengabaikan jika mereka tidak dapat menanggapi panggilannya.         
            Muhammad mengerti perintah-perintahnya dan pergi mengasingkan diri di dalam rumahnya selama beberapa hari. Beliau berpikir sangat keras tentang apa yang harus beliau  lakukan, mencoba untuk menyusun sebuah rencana untuk jalan terbaik untuk mendekati umatnya dan memanggil mereka untuk menerima agama islam.
            Kabar pengasingan diri Muhammad sampai kepada bibinya atau kerabatnya. Mereka menjadi khawatir bahwa beliau tidak baik. Mereka memutuskan untuk pergi dan mengunjungi beliau. Ketika mereka sampai di rumah beliau mereka bertanya tentang kesehatannya dan menceritakan bagaimana mereka telah mengkhawatirkannya.
            Muhammad menjawab, “Tidak ada masalah dengan diriku. Allah telah memerintahkanku untuk memperkenalkan islam kepada keluarga dan rumah tanggaku. Jadi saya harus duduk dan berpikir tentang cara terbaik untuk melakukan ini. Saya harus mengumpulkan pemikiranku dan ide-ide sebelum saya berdakwah salah satu dari kalian.
            Muhammad kemudian pergi dan mengundang semua anggota keluarganya untuk makan malam di rumahnya. Dia mengundang semua paman-pamannya dan bibinya, semua sepupunya dan keponakan dan semua anak mereka. Muhammad mengundang semua kerabat, bahkan termasuk pamannya yang keras kepala dan sulit,  ‘Abdul ‘Uzzaa.
            Kemudian Muhammad mulai menyampaikan risalah kepada keluarganya. Beliau  menjelaskan ajaran-ajaran baru yang beliau telah terima dari Allah dan memperingatkan mereka tentang apa yang terjadi kepada mereka yang memilih untuk tidak mengikutinya.

To declare       : Menyatakan, mengatakan
To ignore         : Mengabaikan , mengesampingkan

Retire              : Memencilkan diri, mengundurkan diri
Stubborn         : Bandel, keras kepala
Household       : Rumah tangga
Publicly           : Secara Umum, terbuka.
1. How long did the prophet spread Islam quietly ? Three years
2. How did he spread Islam after that ? and why did he do that ? He declared Islam to the people publicly because Allah was instructed him to do that.
3. To whom did he introduce Islam ? To his family and people publicly
4. What would he do if his message was rejected ? He would ignore them
5. Did his family know when he went into retirement ? Who were they ? Yes, they did. They were his aunt or relatives
6. Was there something wrong with Muhammadin his retirement ? Why were his relatives so worried about him ? Yes, there was. It’s because he went into retirement for a few days
7. What did Allah order Muhammad to do about Islam ? Allah ordered Muhammad to introduce Islam to his family and household and people
8. What did he do one day ? He went and invited all the members of his family to dinner in his house to deliver his message to them
9. What did his uncle do after the dinner had finished ? He not responded to his delivery, because he was stubborn and difficult uncle
10. Did Muhammad stop delivering his message ? No, he did not
Analyse the text in term of characters, events and setting, and also give the appropriate title of it.
1. The characters in the text are :
1). Muhammad
2). His aunts or relatives
3). His uncle ‘Abdul ‘Uzzaa
4). Cousins and nieces
2. Give five most important events in the text : (state the subject) :
1). The prophet Muhammad had been spreading Islam quietly when Allah commanded him to declare it to the people publicly.
2).   Muhammad went into retirement in his house for a few days.
3). Muhammad’s aunts or relatives become worried with the news of Muhammad’s retirement and they decided to go and pay him.
4). Muhammad invited all the members of his family to dinner in his house.
5). Muhammad delivered his message to his family.
3. The setting of the narrative :
     1). Location : in Muhammad house
     2). Time : night

4. The topic of the text is : The spreading and introduce the religion of islam.
Interpret the following words by referring to the text above.
1. ….when Allah commanded him to declare it.
     Him : Muhammad
     It : Islam
2…….could be ignored if they would…….
     They : The Idolators
3…….and call upon them to accept…..
     Them : His people
4. They become worried that be might not…..
     They : His aunt
5. …….and think about the best way to do this.
     This : Introduce islam to his family and household
6. I had to collect…….I could speak to any of you.
     I : Muhammad
     You : His family
Explain the other references you find in the text.
Fill in the blanks with words derived from the text.
1. God sent a number of prophets to every nation.
2. The last prophet was the prophet Muhammad who first declared Islam to his own family.
3. But this does not mean that Islam is only for his own family Islam is for all the nations of the world.
4. People who worship idols are called idolaters
5. Muhammad went into retirement in order to think about the best way to spread Islam.
6. The way for spreading Islam had to be planned wisely.
7. Ali ibn Abi Talib was the prophet’s nephew
He always gave his protection to the prophet thoughthe was not his son
8. The prophet’s family were so worried because of his retirement.
9. They worried if there was something wrong with him.
10. The function of Faculty of Da’wah is to develop the best way to spread the religion of Islam.
A. Present perfect Continuous Tense
1. The prophet had been spreading Islam for three years.
2. It has been raining for two hours.
3. Ali’s clothes are dirty. I don’t know what Ali has been doing.

4. We have been talking to Ahmad about his problem.
5. he has been studying since 8 o’clock in the morning.
B. Present Perfect Continuous
     Can be used when :
1.    The action (quite long action) began in the past and has stopped or just stopped recently.
2.    The action began in the past and is still happening or just stopped.
3.    We can use it with how long, since and for.
Write a sentence with the present perfect continuous tense using the verbs in parentheses.
Read the situations.
1.    Ali is my friend (Play tennis).
     He is very tired.
     Ali is my friend has been playing tennis and he is very tired
2.    There is a little girl. Her eyes are red and watery. (cry).
     There is a little girl, her eyes are red and watery because she has been crying
3. Yusuf is a hard worker. His hands are very dirty. (work hand).
     Yusuf is a hard worker , His hands are very dirty because he has been working hard
4.    Ahmad is learning English. He started learning English when he was fifteen. (learn English).
     Ahmad has been learning English when he was fifteen
5.    Ali is an IAIN graduate. He is looking for a job. He began looking six month ago.
     (look for a job).
     Ali an IAIN graduate, has been looking for a job since six month ago
Arrange these words beginning with the words in italic to create a sentence.
1.    Sent – God – to declare – Muhammad – to all people – Islam.
God sent Muhammad to declare Islam to all people
2.    The sunnah – are – The Qur’an – teaching – and – Islamic – the basic.
     The Qur’an and the sunnah are the basic Islamic teaching
3.    Absolutely true – Word of God – The Qur’an – which is – is – the.
     The Qur’an which is the word of God is absolutely true
4.    Called the sunnah – and – What was said – by – was what done – the prophet – was.
     What was said and what was done by the prophet was called the sunnah

Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah
Bahasa Inggris
Yang diampu oleh Wahyuki,S.S

Disusun Oleh :
Kelompok II
1. Endang Lidiyawati
2. Fathurin Taufana

TAHUN 2012

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